

Everyone should learn how to code, it teaches you how to think.


Computing at Forest Academy is designed to broaden children’s horizons, providing them with the skills and knowledge they will need in an ever-changing technological future. Our aim is to provide the children with a breadth of memorable experiences that develops their sense of curiosity as well as problem solving and teamwork skills.

By the time our students leave us, they will be well equipped with the skills and knowledge to explore the digital world safely. They will be familiar and confident in applications such as coding and will be able to understand how computing and technology can be used in everyday life.


At Forest Academy, our computing curriculum follows the National Curriculum and is delivered online through Purple Mash schemes of work alongside the use of Google Classrooms in UKS2. We are lucky enough to have Now Press Play headphones where the children can immerse themselves in various themed stories in which they can act out the story as it plays. We have also had programming sessions through our links with the community. In lessons, children develop computational skills through a planned sequence of sessions that build upon previous learning, including both plugged and un-plugged activities.


We use a range of strategies to assess what skills and knowledge the children have attained each term including the following:

  • Book looks (through looking through work saved to Purple Mash drive)
  • Pupil voice
  • Regular feedback each lesson
  • Seesaw observations